
Teso Post Magazine - 2nd Edition

Editor’s Note
Dear Readers,
This is the 2nd Weekly Teso Post edition.
As we delve into our second edition, we’re thrilled to keep connecting with the lively Teso community through the Teso Post.
It’s been amazing to see the support and involvement from our readers since our first issue.
This edition features a blend of exciting news stories from the region, PDM success stories from beneficiaries, and a showcase
of finished and ongoing projects in Teso. Teso Post goes beyond just reporting news – it’s a platform for your voices to be heard.


This Local Government Management of service delivery Report 2022 is structured into four parts as described below:
Part A presents the introduction that describes the background and overview of the LGMSD assessment, the objectives and dimensions of the assessment and process through which the LGMSD exercise was conducted. It also highlights how the results will be used and their implications on stakeholders including Local Governments, line Ministries and LG accounting officers.

Local Government Management of Service Delivery (LGMSD) Performance Assessment 2022

The Local Government Management of Service Delivery (LGMSD) Performance Assessment 2022 has has two elements:
Minimum Conditions (Core performance indicators) which focusses on key bottlenecks for service delivery and safeguards management.
Performance Measures (Departmental assessments); used to evaluate service delivery in the Districts/Municipalities as a whole, and for some areas aggregating performance information from facilities and Lower Local Governments (LLGs) and assessing compliance with performance reporting and improvement support.
