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Micro scale irrigation boosts farmers wealth creation hopes

The government’s micro scale irrigation program has put a smile on the faces of farmers in Kapelebyong district, with many anticipating great wealth in the near future.
Last week while monitoring farmers, the district’s Production, Natural Resource and Trade Committee of Council was impressed with the testimonies from beneficiaries of the micro scale irrigation program.
During a visit to Omatai Village in Nyada Parish, Kapelebyong Sub County, Ms. Jackson Oculi, a beneficiary of the micro scale irrigation program said that the program will help facilitate production of high value vegetables throughout the year.
“Before the government introduced the micro scale irrigation program, I had thought of harvesting rain water but I saw that water as having a lot of dust,” Oculi said.
With such challenges, Oculi drilled a water source at sh12m during the Covid lockdown but he lacked funds for functionalizing.
Oculi co-funded 25% ((shs3.5m) of the total cost of the micro scale irrigation equipment. The equipment consisted of a 5000 litres tank, three taps, two horse pipes and delivery pipes.
Mr. Oculi plans to intensify production of tomatoes, onions and green paper which had been shuttered by scorching drought.
“I want this to be a learning field for many,” Oculi said.
Amos Elasu, the chairperson of the Production, Natural Resource and Trade Committee of Council applauded Ms. Oculi for embracing the micro scale irrigation program.
He urged the agriculture extension workers to support the beneficiary farmers with the best agronomic practices to be able to realize value for money.
The Micro-scale Irrigation Program is led by the Department of Agricultural Infrastructure Mechanization and Water for Agricultural Production of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF).
The Micro-scale Irrigation Program is in line with Uganda’s National Irrigation Policy which aims to create 1.5 million hectares of irrigated land by the year 2040.
Emmanuel Opio
Communication Officer
Kapelebyong District