P.O Box 85, Kapelebyong Tel: +256-776649386/ 784129412/ | E-mail: kapelebyongdlg2018@gmail.com
Council standing Committees established

The district that sat on Thursday (19.08.2021) approved the Committees of Council.
The meeting chaired by Richard Okiru, the district Speaker saw Council approve Emmanuel Oriokot -Chairperson to chair the Committee of Education, Health & Community Based Services.
Apolot Hellen, Malisa Tino, John Stephen Okwi and Scovia Alungat were appointed members.
Under works committee; Agnes Aujo was given Chairperson role as Jorem Peter Okootum, Teddy Kamende, David Ochen and Beatrice Aujo became members.
Other Committees stood as;
Finance, Planning and Administration - Eugenio Okoubong as Chairperson, Florence Isamukere, Richard Enyagu, Ebisasio Ewalu and Amos Elasu as members.
Production and Natural resources - Joseph Ebelu as Chairperson and members are; Domenic Aojan, Stephen Ebaju, Mary Putan and Annet Asio